Python - Liệt kê tất các các chu trình trong đồ thị

graph = [[1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [3, 4], [2, 6], [4, 6], [8, 7], [8, 9], [9, 7]]
cycles = []

def main():
    global graph
    global cycles
    for edge in graph:
        for node in edge:
    for cy in cycles:
        path = [str(node) for node in cy]
        s = ",".join(path)

def findNewCycles(path):
    start_node = path[0]
    next_node= None
    sub = []

    #visit each edge and each node of each edge
    for edge in graph:
        node1, node2 = edge
        if start_node in edge:
                if node1 == start_node:
                    next_node = node2
                    next_node = node1
                if not visited(next_node, path):
                        # neighbor node not on path yet
                        sub = [next_node]
                        # explore extended path
                elif len(path) > 2  and next_node == path[-1]:
                        # cycle found
                        p = rotate_to_smallest(path);
                        inv = invert(p)
                        if isNew(p) and isNew(inv):

def invert(path):
    return rotate_to_smallest(path[::-1])

#  rotate cycle path such that it begins with the smallest node
def rotate_to_smallest(path):
    n = path.index(min(path))
    return path[n:]+path[:n]

def isNew(path):
    return not path in cycles

def visited(node, path):
    return node in path


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